No special hardware, software, or user intervention needed. Since BitLocker is baked right into Windows Vista, 7, and 8, there is not much more a user has to do besides enable the technology and they’re set. While other options have been available as well, like the open-source TrueCrypt or Seagate’s FDE (Full Disk Encryption) line of laptop HDDs, all of these third party solutions add an extra layer of complexity that BitLocker avoids.
#Bitlocker download for windows 8 full#
Thanks to Windows BitLocker, which has been present in Windows since the release of Vista, seamless full drive encryption has been possible for quite a few years now. How many of these risks could be easily prevented? Most, if not all, of them as a matter of fact.

Education and research workers have the highest risk of laptop loss at 10.85%.There is a 7.12% chance that any laptop will be stolen during a 3.1 year lifespan.70% of lost laptops lack any form of security like encryption or anti-theft protections.

The Ponemon Institute found in 2008 that 4800 laptops are lost every single day at USA airport checkpoints. If there’s something undeniable about the prevalence of mobile computing devices today, it’s that they are becoming increasingly vulnerable to loss and theft.